Papyrus Wallet Goes Live, MainNet is coming

Published in
3 min readJun 30, 2019


We all have been eagerly looking forward to this blog post as we were working hard to release all components required for MainNet as soon as possible, and to make the quality of the solutions described here as high as possible.

The Papyrus Team is proud to announce, that the whole stack component of the Papyrus Network ecosystem has reached the finishing stage and we are in the process of choosing initial Authority Nodes for the MainNet launch.

Today we are launching our complete stack of components, working with Papyrus TestNet. They are described in this post below. This full stack will be used for MainNet launch, which is coming soon. Current TestNet setup replicates initial setup planned for MainNet launch, and includes 5 Authority Nodes, working in PoA consensus to build chain of blocks.

As one may expect, launching an enterprise ready network, which will be working with financial assets, is very demanding on security and quality of execution. So we made a decision to prolong our components stack and TestNet security testing few extra weeks, when everyone will be able to participate in open testing. It will allow us to ensure the security of Papyrus MainNet upon its launch.

All information on Papyrus Network, including its staking process, authority nodes, governance and consensus protocol, can be found in our documentation, which we significantly updated in the recent weeks:

One of the components, which we are launching today, is Papyrus Wallet. It is extension to MetaMask that allows regular network users and Authority Nodes to perform staking/unstaking, as well as voting procedures for network governance. Our wallet is available at:

It has a demo tour with a set of tooltips that will take you through all of its basic functionality, to give you a quick idea how to get started with our network:

Our new network explorer also goes into open testing, it is available at:

Here you can always check the current network status, the number of authorization nodes and much more.

For our interoperability with the public Ethereum network, we also launch a network bridge, which allows to easily transfer tokens from one network to another and back. Here is the address of the bridge between Ethereum Rinkeby TestNet and Papyrus TestNet:

Feel free to ask few test PPR tokens into your Rinkeby Ethereum account in our telegram chat and join open testing of Papyrus Network:

There are only a few weeks left before the launch of the MainNet, during which we plan to arrange a series of attempts to break our TestNet in a variety of ways with the involvement of various teams and also walk through the process of selection of initial set of Authority Nodes for MainNet launch.

If you represent a business entity and want to run an Authority Node, please, apply here:

Follow us to learn more, looking forward to see your dApp in the Papyrus Network! MainNet is coming!



An open source public blockchain network which eliminates key issues of Ethereum, providing highly scalable, reliable and cost-efficient decentralized platform